I would TOTALLY do this if John and I renew our vows! LOVE IT! Thanks for sending this to me Sheba!
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I would TOTALLY do this if John and I renew our vows! LOVE IT! Thanks for sending this to me Sheba!
Video and Code Provided by WhoIsTheMonkey.com |
Posted by
12/04/2007 01:46:00 PM
(I don't have a lot of pictures to post right now, all the older ones are packed since we are moving, but SOMEDAY! I will put them on another post!)
Happy Birthday
On Sunday, November 25, 2007 my sister turned………
WELL!... it was her birthday!
Our family LOVES birthdays, and we tend to go overboard sometimes. But without those celebrations, it would be a plain ol’ life!
NOT growing up in our house though. With three strong-minded sisters and two little brothers later on…NOTHING was boring!
But great minds think alike, because
This is to you, my AWESOME (yes we’re sisters, REAL sisters ~ yes she’s lighter than me, no she’s not younger than me ~ sure it’s strange that we don’t look ALIKE…yes, from the same mom and dad, go watch the discovery channel, grab a map or something) SISTER!!! My Cute, little – big sister! So cute you could fit her in your pocket, cute! (She hates when I say that!) I have nick-named her Mighty Mouse, because she’s so cute and small, but she packs a MEAN punch!...Literally folks, I have the scar from her nails to prove it! Just kidding….it’s really from her curling iron.
To my BIG sister:
With whom the ORIGINAL ‘Fight Club’ started….NOT on the mean streets of NY.
I have learned to throw that mean punch (which, in 8th grade got me suspended) and tell people off like “none of their business!” No wonder we started the ‘gobble gobble’ craze!
Even though we went to a private Catholic school… you still knew how to accessorize that uniform like NO OTHER!
The original fashionista, who taught me the right shoes meant everything.
Years ago:
Me – “I just bought my first pair of Steve Madden shoes! Do you know who he is?”
Note to self: Don’t waste time asking trivial questions.
Dressed up like Boy George when you were 11 for Halloween and ROCKED it.
And the following year we were Nikki and Appalonia from Prince. (a modest version, of course).
Who taught me how to get my dancing groove on, and let me hang out with your cooler, older friends. Learning how to pop and lock, stomp, and a little break dancing in the playground of St. Mark’s.
Cheering for me in my first swim race in the good ol’ swimming pool where Poppo would constantly tell me he would throw me if I didn’t listen to you.
Helped me dress and choreograph my first solo to P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson, and tore it up with Billy Jean! You had the hat and everything! Remember that oh-so-80’s glittery necklace mom let you wear?
Taught me that MTV was AWESOME and had Prince, Eurythmics, Madonna, U2, Michael Jackson and all the Culture Club records….and YES! Can’t forget Menudo! We LOVED them, don’t deny it!
You took me with you and your friends to the Staten Island Mall on Saturdays and shared your favorite lip gloss and food with me. You even told your friends they had to wait so I could pick out a new outfit for my Barbie.
All our trips to
The jersey shore beach house with the Santangelos’. Ferry rides, fashion school with mom and Sophie in the city. Pizza in Brooklyn….LAUNDRY in
Windows of the World in the
Junior’s Cheesecakes where we religiously got the strawberry one.
You and Mandy fighting over ‘the bowl’ at Shaffie’s. Showing me how to spray the Redi-Whip perfectly on my hot chocolate.
Playing that ORGAN!! “Hey, did you hear this beat yet?”
Look at the TV! It’s moving with the songs!!! (At Shaffie's)
The FIRST time we saw THRILLER! We were so scared! We huddled together on the floor next to the couch, screamed so loud…and then asked to watch it again!
(We got the girl’s scream down, and then would re-enact the whole thing!)
A little later down the road; you got me out of my Tomboy stage and dressed me up for one of the mighty 7th grade Taylor Jr. High dances.
You showed me how to use curlers, apply eyeliner, and how you would kill me if I took your clothes. You took the Young Women’s camping skills literally and had to fashion numerous booby traps so I couldn’t get into your room, and CLOSET!
It wasn’t till you came home from college that we started having more fun, and the phrases: ‘I hate you’, ‘go away’, ‘leave me alone’ etc., etc. were used less between us.
…And yes, we started having more fun. Staying up late and making up hilarious videos, and lip syncing to the songs we couldn’t stand!
Laughing so hard that Mom would come in and yell at us to go to bed.
Helping me get ready for my H.S. dances.
Taking me to school when I was running late. Letting me know I could call you anytime if I didn’t have a ride home from anywhere.
Going shopping together!
Making my Sweet 16 birthday so special aside from the fact I was grounded for a month for sneaking out of the house! (Which is an ENTIRELY different story involving you too)! You got me the V.S. robe I TOTALLY wanted, and all the shower gels and lotions too!
Took me to get my first ‘styled’ haircut. “You hair is so pretty! It’s like a horse’s MANE!!” I wanted to kill her as you busted out laughing behind me.
Got into my first car accident with you…the day AFTER homecoming on our way to the airport. (It wasn’t
You have the BEST sense of humor! Or we’re both just crazy and laugh at the silliest things. “Do you know how to put that CD in?” “Umm, I think I know how to use a radio thank you!....Wait, how do you put this on?”
“Hey, let’s go sit in the back”…meaning the fire escape at Shaffie’s.
“Okay, which key goes in which lock? Did you lock all three? Or do we lock two and leave the other open to mess with robbers if they come?” I swear if anything was going to happen, it would’ve happened while we were trying to figure the freaking locks out!!!
You are one of the most talented and creative people I know. You could take a bag of lemons and make lemonade, lemon pie, lemon meringue, and somehow make a necklace and something to go into a scrapbook with whatever’s left over!
In-n-Out Burger has banned us from coming in after 11, but it was totally worth it! :)
I could hear Sherry now: “Indian Girls Gone Wild!” (Just kidding!) “Skooter Boy!”
Going dancing without you is NEVER the same! “Hey! Chinese fire drill!” Sorry….Debbie Downer said NO!! WOMP- WOOOOOMMMP.
You do SUCH charity work when I come to visit. You get me out of my beach –laid back wear and put me back together with new make-up and clothes. Call it feeling sorry for me, if you will, but I will take it!
Our trips to Nordstrom’s together and sharing a delicious strawberry-vanilla shake!
Sitting down with our little ones in the middle of the mall eating cheese and fruit saying “This is nice.”
Seeing a cute guy walk by and still being able to appreciate that by saying “That is nice!” (Our husbands are very secure) [I’m a married spud, I’m a married spud!”] :)
All our sayings that we only get, and get weird looks by everyone else! ~ Heed! Move now!, Oh shut-up you’re so annoying!...HE, HE!, IIIIII TELLLL YOUUUU!, What DE Hell! (that’s
The list goes on and gets sillier so I will spare the rest!
You are the BEST hostess, and I love coming to visit you because it is SERIOUSLY like the best B&B!
You still make MY Birthday special even though I’m so far away!
You don’t follow trends, you MAKE them!
…To my sister:
You were there for me when I didn’t have a soul to lean on.
You let me stay with you numerous times when I didn’t want to live at home.
You stuck up for me when I didn’t have a voice. And taught me to not to put up with anybody’s…you know what! (It took a while, but I’ve gotten better!)
You were there when I had to study for chemistry tests, work on dance, break up with boys, and when I left for college.
You have the best recipes, ideas…the best everything!!!. You’re the most loving mother, sister, and daughter I know! You balance so much that, besides mom, you are truly my role model and inspiration to be a better person. Your love for our Heavenly Father, and the faith you have portrayed after all the good and the definite bad we have gone through in our lives is a testimony to me that we were meant to be sisters. You were probably the one TELLING me to be proponent of Heavenly Father’s plan! :)
You have shown me to be myself even if that has meant it wasn’t the same path as others. You have accepted me with my own ideas and views (though some have not come without a fight) and I wouldn’t want it any other way! I love you!
So Happy Belated Birthday to the one and only
...“Everything else is just a knock-off!!!"
Posted by
12/01/2007 03:28:00 PM
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate ~ Our deepest fear, is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.