I spoke to a friend out in Utah the other day who is pregnant and doesn't even LOOK like she is.
Then another friend f/AZ called me last night to tell me his wife is 4 months pregnant and her hormones are all over the place.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I gained over 65 lbs. I was the blimp of all blimps.
In fact, one of my nick-names to this day from my cool husband is Buddha Babe... because I was huge.
I went from 123 to...add 65+ to that, and that's what I was.
My first friend tried to argue that it didn't matter what I weighed because I was so skinny BEFORE I had my girl. Yeah, weak argument. Considering I've had my second daughter and STILL trying to lose the last 7 lbs.!!!
As for friend#2, I know what it feels like to have your body out of whack, and you have no control over it. The only thing I can say is try to have as much patience as you can.
We women really do appreciate it in the end. I won't deny that women deal with 99% of the pregnancy, but I know the men have their times too.
What I want to know is who are all these men that have 'cravings' and 'morning sickness' along with their wives/girlfriends?!!! I've even heard women say that it was 'so sweet'!
Let me tell you something, that's great you want to sympathize and all, but come on!...when you're having "contractions" along w/her; you're really just trying to get out of some sort of housework, right?
Aside from that, today is my 4 year anniversary and was very happy that I got to spend the whole day with my husband. What did we do? We had a romantic 2-mile run together on the beach, and then took care of our kids ALL day! Jealous, huh? :) Yeah, we're hot!
That's the downside of where we live: Absolutely beautiful area...absolutely no one we know around.
Since we've moved here, we've gotten to know a few people, but not good enough to leave our kids with them. That's okay, we'll celebrate later. I actually had a lot of fun today, believe it or not!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Being Pregnant
Posted by
9/28/2006 10:58:00 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
My longtime friend since the sixth grade is getting married on Friday!!!
He is a great guy and will make an awesome husband. I'm just glad I don't have to sort out his girl problems anymore! (j/k)
I am so happy for him, and wish him the best. Don't stress! Everything will be great!
As a wedding planner, I have one piece of advice: Don't forget the Marriage License!!!
Oh, and take a chance and look around and savor the day, it will go by sooo fast!
Okay, two pieces of advice, but handy ones at that! :)
Posted by
9/27/2006 07:50:00 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
More Typing To Do
So some of my friends have been telling me to do a personal blog aside from the one for my company.
Why? It's just more typing I have to do, and isn't life busy as it is?
I know this sounds like I could care less, which is true...no, just kidding.
The truth is, I think these blogs are a great idea. It keeps people (family, friends, etc.) in touch when their lives do seem so hectic.
I think they're for people like me who are up till 4 in the morning working on the computer (b/c it's the only quiet time a mother gets to herself) to take a break and see what everyone is up to without calling them in the middle of the night!
Lately I've been thinking about the winter coming here on the east coast, and I'm always reminded of one of my first winters on moving back here for college. My roommate and I threw this big party and no one had a CLUE it was snowing outside. We were up till about 3:30, when we looked outside to see everything COVERED in two and a half feet of snow.
Everyone went outside and we had the biggest snow fight ever! My gosh it was so fun! All our friends crashed at our house because no one could get out! By morning, it was about 3 1/2 feet deep and the plowers hadn't come through yet! By the time they did, a few of us went to Denny's. Ahhh, Denny's! The stories those wall could tell, huh?
Posted by
9/22/2006 03:11:00 AM