I remember when Dirty Dancing first came out, and all the hype that came with it: the title was too daring, should it really be only a PG-13 rating?!, blah, blah, blah.
My older sister was questioned before she could watch it: who are you seeing it with, are you going during the daytime, look away if the dancers are getting a little too close, etc.
All that was parent talk for "NO BOYS!" I'm assuming....which at the end, I think she was still denied permission.
My mother and step-father were among those that rented it when it came out on video, and told me I couldn't come out of my room for the rest of the night...and believe me I tried.
Anyway, all that work just for me to go over to my best friend's house and watch it there during a sleepover.
I remember us sitting on her couch eyes fixed on Patrick Swayze and in such "melt like buttah" (that phrase was actually said a few times that night) mode when he grabbed Baby to dance for the first time.
Two silly schoolgirls we were for the rest of the night as we soaked in the whole flick, and jumping for joy when Johnny came back for Baby before their big dance seen...and the LIFT!
A couple weeks later we went to another friend's sleepover and watched it there while her older brothers were in charge. Such rebels we were...
I am so excited that this movie is coming back to the big screen! For TWO nights only, and my girls and I have tickets for the Tuesday night show! I can't wait!
Some may think I'm crazy, or going a little overboard by seeing a movie that's been on video since I was 11, but c'mon!...It's Dirty Dancing!
So here's to Tiffany and Wendy ~~ Hope you'll be at the theaters one of the nights with some of your friends and mouthing "I carried a watermelon?!", too!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Baby's Comin Out of the Corner!
Posted by
4/29/2007 10:53:00 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Thirty Second Thoughts
I just got an email from my oldest friend who I went to school with in Staten Island, NY. She sent me pictures of her little boys and I couldn't believe how:
1.) Adorable and TOTALLY handsome they are, and
2.) How much her first little boy looks SO much like her!
It reminded me of the first day of school at St. Paul's standing in the yard, all of us in line in our blue uniforms. I looked over at her standing with her dad and thought she looked like how I felt.
I really don't know how we became friends; maybe it was from our first grade teacher pairing us to sing all the time, or our love of Hulk Hogan and Junkyard Dog from watching Wrestling Sunday mornings, but it was just natural that we were.
I starting thinking about all the awesome things I got to do (and took for granted) living in my home-state...city.
We lived on the 15th floor of a high-rise apartment building overlooking Hudson River. Our alarm clock was the 7:00 Ferry leaving the St. George Terminal. Looking out my mother's bedroom window I could see the Statue of Liberty, and out on our balcony was the whole view of Manhattan.
I remember the 200th Celebration of 4th of July. The Goodyear Blimp floated right in-between our two buildings. You could almost reach out and touch it! The river was packed with boats and beautiful yachts, and I think the President was out there giving a speech.
We always had the best seat when the fireworks began, and it was so beautiful how their reflection glistened over the water.
One of my favorite memories was when my mom would take me to Snug Harbor to feed the ducks. It was a beautiful place that felt miles away from all the hustle of the New York life.
Maybe I have glamorized it in my mind because of the sentimental value it holds; but I loved it no less.
On the few weekends my sisters and I would see my dad, we had a ritual every Sunday morning that was actually a pretty nice memory...I appreciate them considering they came few in-between with him.My stepmother would always order a cheesecake from the best place in the world (Junior's) and after breakfast, she would cut a slice for all of us. I grew up on that, Italian Icee's and Gelato's from this awesome Italian Pizzeria across the street. I know I'm biased, but NY has the best Pizza ever.
I miss the Haagen-Dazs in Park Slope, and the record shop next door to it. I bought my first U2 TAPE there!
Upon leaving to go back to my mom's house, we would get these Jamaican Beef Patties from this Caribbean pastry shop and they were SO good! I always tried ordering the spicy one, but my dad would switch it to mild.
I thought about all this and more in a matter of thirty seconds after getting that email from my old friend. It's amazing all the memories that flash through your mind like lightning in a storm.
I'll have to write about other 'thirty second thoughts' when I feel homesick again.
Posted by
4/25/2007 11:58:00 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Something to Look Into!!!
This is upsetting. Thought I should pass it along. Check your Drivers license...
Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!
This is typical of the Federal Government.
Remove yours now! Even shows your SSN! I just searched for mine and there
it was...picture and all.
Thanks Homeland Security, where is our right to privacy?
I definitely removed mine; I suggest you all do the same.
Go to the website and check it out.
Just enter your name, City and State to see if yours is on file.
After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove."
This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement.
Posted by
4/23/2007 10:56:00 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Easter(n) Holiday
I love Easter. In New York, my mother started a tradition of awesome cinnamon rolls and quiche for breakfast.
We had out-of-the norm Easter Egg Hunts too that are still so memorable.
Our branch in Staten Island used to have a hunt for all the kids the day before and that was a lot of fun.
I remember finding one in a tree one year and scraped my leg getting it out.
I saw this and for some reason reminded me of that (don't ask me why). I think I am going to make it with my girls and hope it comes out just as pretty!
Although I think anything seen on the Martha Stewart website needs to come with a disclaimer.
Posted by
4/02/2007 01:13:00 PM