A few years ago, Sheba's friend Missy made a CD for me and it had a couple of Natasha Bedingfield's songs on it.
I fell in love with her voice and also b/c to me, she had so much feeling that came through in her songs.
I hear certain songs, and like second nature, I'm choreographing a dance in my head.
I finished teaching my classes last night, and played this song while I laid on the floor with my eyes closed. Flashes of memories like a picture book danced through my head.
Music has always been like a best friend to me. It has been there for my ups and downs; getting through the good and the bad. An instant time machine for episodes in your life.
Divorce, re-marriages, sisterhood, moving, parties, heartbreak, happiness, friends, boyfriends, summertime, per chance meetings, disappointments, final goodbyes...the list goes on.
I hear the word 'soul mate' and I think of friends that I have the greatest connection with. Friends and family who are not with me anymore. My sisters who, even though we don't always see eye to eye, I have learned to admire them for their beautiful talents; and that they will be there for me through and through ('not for nothing').
My daughters, who teach me something everyday, and pray that they will know I am there for them today and forever. My husband, who, from our first kiss knew we were instant soul mates; through the good and the bad. He keeps me in check, tells me 'like it is', and loves me through all my stubbornness. He supports me and makes me laugh.
I am grateful for all my soul mates. I am grateful I am here on this earth to appreciate them all.
Clean bill of health this time around.