It's almost five in the morning and all I'm craving is the new Twix PB. I usually keep a stash of my high-end choc-o-late-aye in a 'secret spot', but just like Pooh's Hunney Pot...I'm all out. So unfortunately I have nothing in my house except for the Special K Chocolatey Delight.
That's good and all...but which would you HONESTLY rather have? I really like this cereal, but after a day (and night) like I've had, I want my Twix Fix. Mmmm...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Posted by
7/14/2007 04:50:00 AM
Twinkle Toes
This is why I procrastinated so much. 700 pictures to edit. I'm so tired right now, I can't remember what I added in. I might be adding more later so I figured I'd 'Slide' them since I helped my busy sister create hers.
I do know that Recital Day was very hectic, but a lot of fun! This is Jalen's third show now, and she did great! I know, as a parent it is your right to say that, but I really mean it! John and I were so proud of her. It's days like this that I truly love having little girls!
She was Miss India in her ballet; she kept going around the house all month long "I'm Miss India!" She played the part VERY well I must say. ;)
Then her tap, 'Broadway Baby' was awesome! She sang her little heart out center stage.
**sidestory: On the last week of school, they had a play and Jalen was called on stage to help with a story. After she was done, she took a bow and blew a kiss to the audience and waved as she went offstage. Her teacher said she was going to miss Jalen's 'little' personality. **
After all the sweat, extra practices and raw, torn feet, in the end everything came together and I was so proud of the effort my girls gave. At the beginning of the year, all I asked of them was to give me their 100%, and (besides a few teen-age meltdowns) they did.
Congratulations to Alexis who got accepted into the American Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive Program, and Dori for continuing her dance at NC State. Oh, and Tara! Who was chosen to perform with (specific name that I can't remember right now) Russian Ballet, and then onto New York!!

Posted by
7/14/2007 03:11:00 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Big Girl Now
So...June came and went, and I have been wanting to write about all the 'fun', but really, I've been procrastinating because it just takes too long to write about.
I figure if I break it down it might be a little easier. So I'm starting with the most exciting part from June and that is when Ms. Bella (Isabella) "graduated" from Grade K.
We can't believe our little girl is already out of Kindergarten. I still can't believe she's going to be 6 in September!...and I can't believe I have a 6 yr. old. My friends that have like, 12 kids laugh when I say that...but it's true!
She was so funny her last day saying "Mom, now that I'm going to be in first grade, I can use the phone to call my friends without asking you or Daddy." Hmmm....
I was very nervous her first day of school. We were in a new town, and a new school and she knew no one. I should have known not to worry though. She made wonderful little friends...and to my surprise... the boy in the background showing his muscles claimed to be Jalen's boyfriend and 'Power Ranger Protector'.
And most importantly, she had an amazing teacher. She was one of the most easy-going,helping, and nicest Kindergarten teachers there. John and I were so grateful for that!
She made Jalen's first year at her elementary school a fun and memorable one!
Posted by
7/12/2007 04:42:00 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Slow Motion Running At Its Best
They have brought back The Bionic Woman!!! A few new twists, but totally excited to see what the show is like. Interested if they'll bring the infamous Fembot episodes back.
My sisters and I used to watch this all the time!
I'm so sad I won't have anyone to make the 'bionic' sound with anymore while running in slow motion.
Posted by
7/09/2007 06:12:00 PM