Monday, July 09, 2007

Slow Motion Running At Its Best

They have brought back The Bionic Woman!!! A few new twists, but totally excited to see what the show is like. Interested if they'll bring the infamous Fembot episodes back.

My sisters and I used to watch this all the time!

We would fight about who got to be Jamie Sommers so much, that in our version, she had two other sisters that had bionic powers as well.

(the new bionic woman)

I'm so sad I won't have anyone to make the 'bionic' sound with anymore while running in slow motion.


Sheba Price said...

I love the bianic woman! Who is that? She has more boobs than the original one. Well this is going to be interesting. They better do a good job. I remember acting out the slow motion run and slow motion jab. On you that is. Love it Ish! I need to do that in fight class next time. I will do the whole 'bianic sound' as I cross jab, upper cut, cross, and hook Rob. That would bring up my fighting skills up a notch. What do you think?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I remember that jab. Not so fun on my end.

Let me know if Rob joins in on the fun. So glad I have my personal bodyguard when we hit L.A.!!!