Take-Out Tuesday
A few years ago, Sheba's friend Missy made a CD for me and it had a couple of Natasha Bedingfield's songs on it.
I fell in love with her voice and also b/c to me, she had so much feeling that came through in her songs.
I hear certain songs, and like second nature, I'm choreographing a dance in my head.
I finished teaching my classes last night, and played this song while I laid on the floor with my eyes closed. Flashes of memories like a picture book danced through my head.
Music has always been like a best friend to me. It has been there for my ups and downs; getting through the good and the bad. An instant time machine for episodes in your life.
Divorce, re-marriages, sisterhood, moving, parties, heartbreak, happiness, friends, boyfriends, summertime, per chance meetings, disappointments, final goodbyes...the list goes on.
I hear the word 'soul mate' and I think of friends that I have the greatest connection with. Friends and family who are not with me anymore. My sisters who, even though we don't always see eye to eye, I have learned to admire them for their beautiful talents; and that they will be there for me through and through ('not for nothing').
My daughters, who teach me something everyday, and pray that they will know I am there for them today and forever. My husband, who, from our first kiss knew we were instant soul mates; through the good and the bad. He keeps me in check, tells me 'like it is', and loves me through all my stubbornness. He supports me and makes me laugh.
I am grateful for all my soul mates. I am grateful I am here on this earth to appreciate them all.
Clean bill of health this time around.
When I read that, all I could think about was the song" Where my girls at.." You know what time period I'm talking about and who it involves. I was just talking to Megan about people from that summer (now that she is back in York County) and it was a great flashback! Fun times!
Ohhh! Where ARE my girls?! You need to get back here for a visit!
"What about your friends" was a seriously played one too. Remember that little part when she kicks her guy down the stairs? That was SO how we were feeling about certain 'things' at the time!
Oh my gosh, is Megan back?!! When did that happen?
Funny, girl, that summer was TOTALLY one of my flashes!
We had a blast, didn't we?
I'm glad you are one of my 'song memories'!!
Ish I love music too! I can always hear a tune and know exactly where we lived, where we were, how old I was, what school I went to and which boyfriend I had at the time. Too funny! I am old school though. Most people haven't even heard of the songs I know. That is one of the advantages growing up in good ole' NYC!!! Remeber the talent show me, Latidra and Hope put together at Latidra's apt.? We were so funny! I can't believe Poppo, Sean Paul, and Coy showed up to it! Oh the memories! We danced to Michael Jackson, Prince, Sheila E. And so many other ones!!! Too Funny!!!
I LOVED that talent show!
Remember we did the talent show in the Catskills in the summer? With the Luchessis'.
That whole vacation was totally Dirty Dancing...without the Dirty!! ;) Fun, Fun, Fun!
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