I love finding new sites for Dance, and all that. I found this site a while ago and love the style they bring to the industry.
No boring bags, sweats, or shirts here. These are some of my favorites from Sugar and Bruno. I think my girls will use these warmers in the Hip-Hop routine. They're cute! And I had to get these sweats for myself. I love pink. Check out their site!
Monday, March 31, 2008
One of my Favorite Things
Posted by
3/31/2008 06:10:00 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
JabbawockeeZ WON!!!! I was so excited to see them win! My heart literally stopped beating until Mario announced them! I am so excited for them. They truly deserved it!
I loved the finale, it was awesome! They had all the crews back on stage and got paired up to where all the crews were from. (Mid-West, West-Coast, Dirty South, and East Coast!)
I found all their performances which is below, but don't know how long that will last....Viacom has been shutting all the copied videos down. If you can't see it, just go to America's Best Dance Crew on MTV and watch it there!
I really liked the East Coast performance because they chose 'Phenomenon' by LL Cool J and, yes, this lady LOVE Cool James! Really, they were all great!
Status Quo and JabbawockeeZ did a stepping routine that rocked!
Can't wait for season 2 starting this summer!
Posted by
3/28/2008 01:22:00 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Jabbawockeez are number 1!!!! Tonight is the finale of America's Best Dance Crew! Just a reminder to watch it! I hope they win, I have been voting like CRAZY!!!
And yes, I finally got on the bandwagon and read all the Twilight series books from Stephanie Meyer. After MONTHS of being bugged by Sheba, I picked it up to start reading one Sunday. And yes....I was intrigued....then hooked. I read all the books in a matter of days. I read Eclipse in a day.
I love to read, but never thought I would be interested in a vampire!
Posted by
3/27/2008 03:44:00 PM
Okay, the only reason why I'm posting this besides the fact it's 3AM, and I'm deliriously tired is that this clip (to me) is totally funny! Then again, it just may be funny at 3 in the morning and in that case...I'll be waiting for your comment Shebs.
For some reason this song has the remnants of Sir Mix A Lot's I like big...booties. You know the song.
If you listen to the words it's just a 'silly but true' song. Thanks to my girls, I know EVERY Spongebob cartoon and love this episode especially. So when I came across this, I LMAO!!! (Thanks Mandy for telling me what that finally meant, I feel old now)
Well, my friend who has a closet ghetto side....and I LOVE it!!!, got me liking this song. He is totally funny too.
For the record!...I can't STAND that Superman song this guy sings.
Posted by
3/27/2008 02:58:00 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
If anyone has seen Pulp Fiction you know my title is the punchline to the joke Uma Therman tells John Travolta. It's about a tomato that lags behind the mother and father too much...
Anyway! This is what I'm doing because my mother has been on me for almost a YEAR to post pictures.
I have been meaning to do the ones from mine and John's party as well and those were taken WELL into the night! I wrote all about this in my older post.
Holy cow, I get tired just thinking about it all! So this is all a medley of everything.
So here you go Mom!!! I have caught up! (sort of)...
Your EVER procrastinating daughter
Posted by
3/25/2008 05:25:00 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
America's BEST, Baby!!!!
This group is sooooo SICK! I love the JabbawockeeZ! If anyone has been following America's Best Dance Crew on MTV, you will totally agree with me.
The live auditions started when I was not feeling well from this past pregnancy, and it was John that turned the TV on for me while I was in bed.
This show (as funny as it may sound) is one of the reasons I started getting out of bed. By week 4 of the show I was just feeling happy for Thursdays. Then I would DVR it, and Jalen would watch it with me. She was fascinated with it all and made me think of the days my sisters and I would see a new video for the first time, or being out on the playground in NewYork watching everyone breakdancing, popping, just learning the new moves. It was awesome.
I got to speak with the executive producer a couple years ago about a project I am working on. And I got to brainstorm with him throughout the past year and to see this come to fruition...oh my gosh, I get even bigger chills!
I love the ending of this clip, I swear I get chills everytime I watch it. This is what made me fall in love with dance and hip hop.
All the groups were awesome, and I know I will be posting more clips even though the finale is this Thursday!!! Watch IT!!! The video below is not that great, so click here and love it!
Posted by
3/24/2008 11:32:00 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Silver Lining
Well, took a break for a while, thanks to all our friends and family who helped cheer us up and help me get back on my feet. A part of me felt I should be more accepting since this is the fourth time, but in all reality...
I must say I am so thankful for my family, my girls, and John. He took care of me and the girls all this time and still so very supportive. John, I tend to forget this was hard on you too, and promise to be a better friend to you. I shut everyone out for the longest time and you were so patient with me, thank you for that. We wanted our little boy so much! I know when it is time we will be even more grateful.
My dear sweet spirit, someday I will hold you in my arms and you will complete our family. I had this poem framed for you and it will hang in your room when you arrive.
with my lips against his ear
I whispered strongly "How I wish,
I wish that you could hear,
"I've a hundred wonderful things to say
(A tiny cough and nod)
Hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
so I can tell you about God."
My day old baby's mouth was still
and my words only tickled his ear,
but a kind of light passed through his eyes,
and I saw this thought appear,
"How I wish I had a voice and words,
I've a hundred things to say,
Before I forget, I'd tell you of God,
I left Him yesterday."
Posted by
3/14/2008 01:37:00 PM