Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have been missing my friends a lot lately, so this is for all of you...I'm sure I'll be adding to this list in the future
My Friendship List
Friendship is knowing you have a friend no matter how many miles apart you are.
It's knowing that you can totally be yourself--funny faces and everything and they don't care.
That you don't have to be or look perfect all the time.
That you can tell them anything and know they won't judge you.
It's knowing when they have a problem and you're there for them no matter.
And if they drop the ball once in a's still okay.
It's telling them they're irritating you one day, but you still love them no matter what...and that's okay.
It's knowing you don't always have to agree, and appreciating their differences.
That our common bonds are strengthened just by listening to a song.
Having the same favorite ice-cream flavor.
Eating that whole container of ice-cream and not caring one bit.
It's taking that call when they're sad or upset and really feeling for them.
Uplifting them in their joys.
Friendship is knowing that some people were only meant to be in your lives for a certain time or certain reason; and having to say goodbye.
If for some reason you've offended them, and they come out and tell you instead of holding it in.
It's making up a dance for no reason other than recording it in your parent's basement.
It's flying 3,000 miles for their wedding and surprising them.
It's missing them when no one is around....
When that perfect one liner was told, and only they would get...
When they're the only one that knows the hell you've been through and will always stand up for you no matter what.
Sending them a CD of their favorite songs.
Leaving for a road trip in the middle of the night to NYC and having the funnest weekend ever!
And just recently...calling you out of the blue and being so thankful that they did.
For all my friends that have been there for me, I truly hope I have returned the favor.


liz said...

what a perfect post for me to read after feeling so grateful to know you after a really good and much needed (for both of us!) L O N G conversation that never really ends!

Unknown said...

You're the best Liz.
One more thing: Should I call Guiness? (World Records, that is!)