Saturday, October 28, 2006

My lovely little blog...check it out!

Okay, I somewhat 'stole' that title (from the B.E.P.'s), but I'm writing b/c I've had a few friends call and ask why I haven't written about this or that. I truly love and appreciate all who 'stop in', and believe me, I would MUCH rather be reading what someone else wrote instead of writing mine, but I started this blog just to throw last thoughts, or first-hand experiences out there that have been wandering in my head.

It's actually a release, (although I still write in my journal) that when I'm working on the computer, which has felt like it never ends--I can just switch modes for a minute and type.

And since I'm not naming names (B.K.L.)--instead of calling; you all can comment. Kind of like what you do at a restaurant when you're not happy with the service? Because you know...I'm here to serve you! j/k

I actually love the phone calls better than the comments though. It's just getting off the phone that I have trouble with, right? :)

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