Friday, October 06, 2006

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday...the last of my 20's. WOW! 29! I feel old! But I think it's because of all the running around I do with my kids! :)

Well, I am going to have fun today! I love birthdays actually. My mom used to make them special for us growing up, still does actually; and I want to carry that on with my kids.

It should be special's the day you came into this world! Not saying that everyone needs to call and tell you Happy Birthday (although I really thank my family & friends who did! ;) )
But it should be special for you! Do something nice, something fun.

I like to make goals for myself to accomplish throughout the year. I really try to work hard at it and see if I can do it all.

Anyway, hope this doesn't sound arrogant but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Girl!
Love ya!,

Anonymous said...

Why do I always think your birthday is in November. Maybe I'll remember next year when you turn 30 and join the 30's club. But I hope you have a great birthday!!


liz said...

happy birthday! sad i just read this now - you are sleeping birthday dreams!