Two more days till the end of Random Acts of Kindness Week.
But it doesn't have to stop there!
'I Have Always Relied On the Kindness of Strangers':
- Opening the door for me when I have my huge stroller
- Picking something up I may have dropped
- Returning change when I have walked away too fast
- Forgotten a bag in the shopping cart
- Pushing my car to the gas station when I broke down (test driving a new car)
- Policeman letting me out of a ticket after a BAD day
- Postal worker keeping his window open for me at the last minute to pick up a package
- Extra carton of mashed potatoes from KFC when wisdom teeth were pulled
- Free 'Chocolate Lover's Fantasy' drink from my favorite shoppe
- Letting me cut in line at the movie theater bathroom when I was pregnant
- Leaving cookies on my doorstep
- Bringing a tiny shoe back to me...that my daughter threw out of her stroller
- Staying with me to fill out a police report in Port Authority when my luggage was stolen at 2AM.
(one of the WORST days ever)
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up" - Mark Twain
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Cool To Be Kind
Posted by
2/15/2007 09:27:00 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Bullets and Bracelets
Word has been out for a little while now that Hollywood is going to make a Wonder Woman movie. No one could be more thrilled than me.
Growing up, I had EVERYTHING Wonder Woman. I loved Lynda Carter. My mother went through A LOT of foil and styrofoam cups because I would make her bullet reflectors out of them.
Then there was the dreaded Sunday mornings. I would INSIST on wearing my Wonder Woman bathing suit to church. I fought and fought thinking in my 3 year old way, how cool it would be to wear my suit.
I would bring my Wonder Woman doll and wear my bracelets made out of foil. I really don't know how my mom didn't kill me, and actually got me to put on my Sunday dress. I DO know there were times that she missed church because of me, and the days we DID make it, she would get me up at 6:30 AM to get me dressed...more like give her time to negotiate with me out of wearing my coveted bathing suit.
We had church at 10.
She finally bought me a newer Wonder Woman shirt that she would be able to cover with a plaid jumper for would be like my secret identity. That is, until I stood on her chair in her Sunday School class and yelled to everyone that I WAS Wonder Woman. Our 1st Counselor (in that branch) TO THIS DAY still refers to me as Wonder Woman.
(Brooklyn in my first WW shirt...wasn't happy to take that picture)
Anyway, I'm really not trying to get my hopes up on the movie, or try to figure out what plot Hollywood is going to give it. I am, however, interested to see who they will pick as Wonder Woman herself.
I must say I will be very disappointed if they choose someone that doesn't live up to the Lynda Carter Standard. I wonder "Will they know the full Diana Prince/Wonder Woman turn?, How to swing her lasso just right?"
....What I wouldn't give to fly in her invisible airplane.
Posted by
2/13/2007 05:33:00 PM
Get Inspi(red)

Posted by
2/13/2007 12:49:00 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
Food For Thought
Posted by
2/12/2007 11:20:00 PM
Haute Chocolate
I just signed with this designer and have nothing to say but WOW. I love each of her creations! They're whimsical, nostalgic, innovative, modern, smart and just...pretty! It maks me want to have a tea party or brunch every day.
I dare you not to like any of her pieces. The design that sold me was her line of Dark Chocolate Mugs, and really the whole set!
Since I'm talking about chocolate (and all things related) till Valentine's Day, I will let you in on this fantastic website.
(Check under Holiday for her mugs.)
I'm so happy that I have pretty mugs for my Hot Love (chocolate), and my other Hot Love (husband) is happy that I can buy all her stuff at wholesale!
Posted by
2/12/2007 10:59:00 PM
I was watching the {beloved} Food Network channel when the most informing and enlightening commercial came on the screen.
...I die for a quick snack about an hour before bedtime. Most of the nights I'll make a cup of Hot Chocolate. It gives me my fix and I'm okay. There are other nights that I'll go for a small bowl of cereal but I grab my healthy kind because I don't want the extra sugar and calories before bed. Yet I still find myself looking for a smidgen of chocolate before I go to sleep.
Then there it was. MY answer! The new Special K Chocolatey Delight Cereal!!! I am going tomorrow to buy my first box in hopes of nothing but satisfaction...and less calories.
Posted by
2/12/2007 10:38:00 PM
Grammy Night

Posted by
2/12/2007 12:36:00 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
Love Crazy
I ran up the door and shut the stairs
Said my pajamas and put on my prayers
Turned off my bed and jumped into the light
And all because you kissed me goodnight
Posted by
2/09/2007 10:32:00 PM
I love truffles. I love seeing new recipes on how to make them, etc.
One of my favorite kinds would be with ganache in the center of the truffle. This chocolate is so creamy and just melts in your mouth.
A childhood favorite of mine were those Jell-O Pudding Pops. I used to beg my mom to buy those. I never really liked Popsicles...they would melt too fast and then fall of the stick and you're stuck with this sticky red, blue, green...mess running down your arm. If I were to eat any kind of popsicles, it would be the one in the plastic tube. Much easier to enjoy.
Back to the fudge pops. Yes, they were my favorite. Throughout the years, I had a hard time finding these Bill Cosby-endorsed treats, and eventually gave up looking for them.
That is, until I got the ultimate recipe. One that mixed my love of delectable chocolate with a good old wooden stick (or a plastic popsicle mold). It's made of a ganache-type mixture...and frozen for a cold treat!
I figured I would make them for my daughter, whose love for Chocolate is growing by the minute. I have to blame myself for that and will have to save her from my friends calling her "Mini-Me" (Hi Amy).
When I was single, a bunch of girlfriends and I would make lunch and hang out after church on Sundays. Very few friends would help me clean up in my kitchen because they knew how picky I was on how things were done. One friend attempted to help and while she was filling up the ice-cube trays paused and asked "Can I fill these or do you have a certain way of doing this too?" I told her to go ahead, but she knew I had a method to even that.
I am happy to say that two kids have calmed me down a little and when making these fudge-pops, I have let go and poured right out of the bowl! She'd be so proud of me.
Anyway, I've decided to share this recipe, which I hope will inspire others to turn on "Nick-At Night" and watch the Cosby show for old time's sake.
8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped fine
12 ounces (1 1/2 cups) heavy cream
8 ounces (1 cup) whole milk
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Special Equipment: Icepop molds
Place chopped chocolate into a medium glass mixing bowl. Set aside.
Combine heavy cream, milk, and cocoa powder in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk constantly until cocoa is dissolved and mixture comes to a simmer. Remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate. Let stand for 2 to 3 minutes and then whisk gently until all chocolate is melted. Whisk in the vanilla extract.
Divide the mixture evenly among the molds and place in the freezer. Freeze for at least 4 hours or until solid. Fudgepops can be held in the freezer for up to 1 week in an airtight container.
Posted by
2/09/2007 12:41:00 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Message In A
With Valentine's Day soon approaching, I can't help but have ONE thing on my mind!...CHOCOLATE!
For as long as I can remember, I have loved this "Food of the Gods."
And as there may be connoisseurs of wine, I have taken the liberty to do the same for chocolate.
I have tasted a lot of chocolate from many different places, as I'm sure many people have. I can spot a wrapper, box, design from a mile away and (most of the time) know what kind of candy it is.
I love candy bars and gourmet confections to truffles and hot chocolate. It's all delicious.
Valentine's day was always fun. My mother would make these beautiful baskets with a little Victorian Doll, and all these different kinds of chocolate. One of my all time favorites would be these little two-bite chocolates called "Baci". It means 'kisses' in Italian, and we had these at every occasion. It's made of creamy dark chocolate with a rich hazelnut center and it's to die for.
I love LOVE. I love people being in love, I love the whole romantic scene. Maybe that's why I favor these chocolates, maybe they wouldn't taste the same if they didn't have a little secret hidden inside every wrapper.
Throughout the years, I have kept certain favorite sayings in a little box hand-carved with hearts. I can look at one and remember when and why I kept it.
A memorable one is from a box that my husband gave me while we were dating. We got into a 'disagreement' and couldn't see eye to eye.
Posted by
2/08/2007 12:40:00 PM