My business tagline is Love...Inspired. I chose that when I first started my lovely job because I feel like love is an inspiring thing, and I want it to bring out the best of people and their relationships.
Music has always inspired me in many aspects of my life, and especially in relationships. Anyone who knows me will tell you that U2 is my favorite band.
When Bono and Bobby Shriver of DATA started (PRODUCT) RED, and joined GAP in selling these shirts, I immersed myself with information about the reasoning behind this campaign.

I am a good example of having an "extended family". Not just steps, and halves; but friends as well. I have met some extaordinary people in my life, lucky enough to have them as friends, and blessed to feel like they're family.
There are many people that have touched my life, have inspired me to do and be more than I thought I could do.
I also got to thinking of what other things inspires me in my life. What can I do to help inspire others to be the best they can be?
Do you ever ask yourself "Would I have the strength to do that if it weren't for this person, or that?"
This is not to say that I haven't accomplished things and ideas on my own; I definitely have. But I think there's a part in all of us that holds us back a little from whatever because of a fear.
I feel like this is the year to change that.
As human beings we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. From the everyday parental duties, to hobbies flourishing into possibly something bigger. Realizing your talents and taking them to the next level.
We all can't fly to Africa and help the men, women and children that are dying. But we can help the cause. Help your community, volunteer, have a friend teach you something, develop your true being.
Become Inspi(red).
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